An update on Measure Q projects and expenditures was provided by Studio W Architects, the District’s Bond Program Manager, at the regular board meeting on June 15th, which included the status of additional improvements at Seacliff Elementary School, as well as design progress on the district central kitchen and new maintenance, transportation and operations facility at the Kettler District Office site.

Construction will begin immediately on the Eader Elementary School Modernization project, with an approved guaranteed maximum price (GMP) of $10,255,710. A GMP of $10,157,718 was received for the Peterson Elementary School Modernization project, and upon approval of the contract, construction will commence at that site as well.

There is a reported $18,796,580 of Measure Q bond funds remaining. This monies, combined with other funding sources the District will soon be able to access, will largely be allocated to the future of Sowers Middle School. Investigation and discussions continue regarding whether to modernize the existing Sowers Middle School campus or to reconstruct the campus.

View the full presentation here: 2021 06 15 Board Meeting Presentation

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